PRIME LINE 3-Pocket Vegetable-Tanned Leather Tool Holder 43-307
Ask any tradesperson - when they are on the jobsite, they need a dependable pouch that can carry all their gear wihtout bursting at the seams or weighing them down. This is why we focus on making our tool pouches from choice materials for comfort and longevity with carefully designed compartments for optimized storage and a lightweight feel.
- 3-Pocket Tool Holder Ideal For Utility Knives, Pliers, Screwdrivers, Pencils, Etc.
- Vegetable-Tanned Leather Tool Holder
- Features 3 Leather Pockets
- Includes Two Clips To Attach Keys And Lanyards
- Reinforced Stitching And Rust-Resistant Rivets For Strength And Durability
- Belt Loop Fits 2" Belts
- LENGTH 1.75"
- WIDTH 6.25"
- HEIGHT 10.25"